Foreign Policy magazine named Ploughshares Fund grantee Heather Hurlburt one of the top 50 most powerful Democrats on foreign policy [2] September 3. Heather is the executive director of the National Security Network [3] (NSN).
She shares this honor with many top government officials including Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice. Foreign Policy describes their list as “the behind-the-scenes, in-the-media, and at-the-podium A-listers of American foreign policy.” Heather certainly fills this role.
Heather’s impressive background speaks for itself. As a former Clinton administration speechwriter, she brings a strong voice to our mission. NSN describes its work as an effort to “revitalize America’s national security policy, bringing cohesion and strategic focus to the progressive national security community.” As an active member of our Iran Strategy Group, NSN helps to provide all our grantees with solid analysis, inside information and the messaging framework to powerfully argue their positions.
Congratulations to Heather and National Security Network for this outstanding accomplishment! Ploughshares Fund is proud to support Heather and the important work she does.
For more information about National Security Network, please visit their website at [3], like their Facebook page ( [4]) and follow them on twitter (@natsecnet [5]).