“You wonder why, exactly, we’re still talking about nuclear weapons?” asks Ploughshares Fund grantee Heather Hurlburt [2] of the National Security Network [3] on the Daily Beast [4]. “So does Hillary. Clinging to nuclear weapons in excess of our security needs does not make the United States safer.” Hurlburt, former speechwriter to President Clinton and then-senator Clinton, breaks down Secretary of State Clinton’s speech [5] on the most important security issue the United States faces for Americans who might not have read about it. The Council for a Livable World [6] is also gathering support for the President's nuclear agenda [7], so please check them both out!
[1] https://ploughshares.org/file/1214
[2] http://www.ploughshares.org/expert/269
[3] http://www.nsnetwork.org
[4] http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-10-21/a-moment-for-hillarys-inner-wonk/full/
[5] http://www.state.gov/secretary/rm/2009a/10/130806.htm
[6] http://www.ploughshares.org/our-impact/leadership-profiles/council-livable-world
[7] http://www.capwiz.com/clw/issues/alert/?alertid=14137501&type=CO