Seizing the Iran Proposal

On the radar: Allison on a deal with Iran; Outcomes for a diplomatic solution; Lynn on reducing nuclear costs; Beating the drum for war with Iran; Romney doesn’t prevent proliferation, he fights it; and a slight whoops at Y-12.

October 7, 2011 | Edited by Benjamin Loehrke and Mary Kaszynski

Test Iran’s offer - “President Obama should take a page from Ronald Reagan’s playbook in winning the final inning of the Cold War. Obama can challenge President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to put his enriched uranium where his mouth is — by stopping all Iranian enrichment of uranium beyond the 5 percent level,” writes Graham Allison in The Washington Post.

--In New York last month, Ahmadinejad made an offer to stop all uranium enrichment beyond 20% enriched if Iran could buy specialized fuel for a research reactor that produces medial isotopes for cancer patients. “Obama should seize this proposal and send negotiators straightaway to hammer out specifics,” writes Allison.

Towards Enhanced Safeguards for Iran’s Nuclear Program - “Failure to solve this dilemma [of Iran’s nuclear pursuits] has been in part caused by a lack of concrete diplomatic solutions.” Ali Vaez and Charles Ferguson make the case for an enhanced safeguards system that “could augur in a win-win diplomatic outcome.” A new report from FAS (pdf).

--The report launch is next Wednesday the 12th, 12-1:30 at the Capitol Visitor Center. Event details and RSVP here:

DOD weighs nuke budget cuts - "I think what we're looking at now is what's the most efficient, effective way to stay within those [New START] limits but to do it in a more fiscally responsible fashion,” said outgoing Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn.

--”I'm not sure that takes you to a 'dyad' but I think there's a lot of different proposals that may get you down that path of staying within the START limits but doing it with somewhat less cost."

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Like Iraq, but more explosive - In a rather frank op-ed advocating steps toward war with Iran, Adm. James Lyons brazenly writes “Only One Solution to Iran: Regime Change” in The Washington Times.

Tweet - @DouglasBShaw: David Albright: if Natanz is attacked, the Iranians would do whatever they could to make nuclear weapons and leave us wondering how many

Romney’s Bush Reunion - Mitt Romney announced his campaign’s list of national security advisers. Heading up the “Counter-proliferation” portfolio are Eric Edelman, Robert Joseph, and Stephen Rademaker. Josh Rogin has the full list.

--Romney gives a foreign policy speech this morning. Nuclear preview: “8 actions Mitt Romney will take in his first 100 days as president: "3. Enhance Our Deterrent Against Iran ... 4. Commit to a Robust National Missile Defense System...” From Mike Allen at Politico.

Dropping the bomb - Words you don’t want to hear when dismantling a nuclear weapon: “whoops.” In August at Tennessee’s Y-12 plant, a large nuclear-weapon part dropped more than a yard to the ground during a disassembly effort.

--There were no injuries, and a facility representative said the event could not have resulted in an explosion. Global Security Newswire has the story.