Evangelicals say nuclear weapons direct affront to God

The new Two Futures Project, a coalition of prominent Christians asserting that multilateral disarmament is a biblical imperative, aims to help eliminate nuclear weapons through education and political pressure.  Rev. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson, a Baptist minister and Ploughshares grantee who founded the project, told USA Today, "We must eliminate these weapons, and we can eliminate these weapons. Who do we think we are to claim authority over life itself and the welfare of future generations? That power belongs to God alone."

Younger evangelicals are leading the way with support from older activists. The group has strong support from George Shultz, secretary of state under President Ronald Reagan. Shultz said he's encouraged that President Obama recently agreed with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to negotiate a reduction. In his Palm Sunday speech, Obama called for "a world without nuclear weapons." The group is not calling for unilateral disarmament but a "multilateral process where the United States takes leadership," Wigg-Stevenson said.

USA Today