Morning Joe: Secretary Clinton on Iran, N. Korea, and Russia

Stories we're following today:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Talks Nuclear Policy - Meet the Press

  • See Also: "Clinton Says Nuclear Aims of Iran is Fruitless" by David Sanger of the New York Times [link]

N. Korea Says It’s Open to Dialogue - New York Times [link]

  • North Korea said Monday it was open to new discussions to help resolve the dispute over its nuclear weapons program, although the North emphasized that it was not interested in resuming six-nation talks on the impasse.

On Iran, Do Nothing. Yet. - Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek [link]

  • The best strategy [given the political turmoil in the Iranian ruling elite] is to do nothing. Hillary Clinton implied as much when she put off the question of negotiating with Iran. In fact, the ball is in Tehran's court anyway. In April, the West presented Iran with an offer of talks that is serious and generous. Let Khamenei and Ahmadinejad figure out how to respond, as they keep claiming they will. The West faces constraints, but they face many more.
  • Time is not on the current Iranian regime's side. Amid all this confusion, we have a clear answer to a crucial puzzle. We always wondered, are there moderates in Iran? Yes, it turns out—millions of them.

India Launches Nuclear Submarine - New York Times [link]

  • After years of relying on rented Russian submarines, the government unveiled the 367-foot Arihant, which means “destroyer of enemies” in Hindi. The new vessel is part of a broad effort by the Indian government to create a military that matches India’s rising global stature.