Morning Joe: May 12, 2009

Lavrov Optimistic on Nuclear Agreement

Stories we're following today:

Russian FM optimistic on arms control deal with US - Washington Post [link]

  • He said preliminary contacts have shown that "there is a good chance to bring our positions closer and reach agreements." He added, "The U.S. approach seems very constructive to me."

Top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan Is Fired [link]

  • Gates, saying he seeks "fresh thinking" and "fresh eyes" on Afghanistan, recommended that President Obama replace McKiernan with a veteran Special Operations commander, Lt. Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal. His selection marks the continued ascendancy of officers who have pressed for the use of counterinsurgency tactics, in Iraq and Afghanistan, that are markedly different from the Army's traditional doctrine.

Going non-nuclear - Politico [link]

  • Obama's new budget plan includes a little-noted sea change in U.S. nuclear policy, and a step towards his vision of a denuclearized world. It provides no funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead program

American Voices: NASA Running Out Of Fuel - The Onion [link]

  • "Can't we just microwave some plutonium-229?"