Partners are organizations and individuals with whom we have built strategic, mission-driven collaborations that enhance our shared goals and amplify impact across our community.

Horizon 2045
This spring, Ploughshares and Horizon 2045 (H2045) announced a new partnership built on a strong history of collaboration. Ploughshares was a founding funder of N Square, the initiative that grew into Horizon 2045, and this partnership represents a new alliance where both organizations support each other’s efforts at the frontline of innovation.
The first fruits of our partnership is a fellowship program called the Nuclear Futures Fellowship that supports ten Fellows to develop new and practical skills and qualifications to meet the needs of a dramatically changing global and political landscape. You can learn more about the Fellowship and meet the 2024 cohort here.
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Ploughshares launched a joint project with the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) to reshape the public’s perception of nuclear weapons and popularize the narrative that nuclear weapons do not keep us safe. Through research and public polling, we have found that, in abstract, Americans support arms control and diplomacy. Our task, then, is to increase the public’s perceived urgency for arms control and nonproliferation so that politicians will feel greater pressure to work towards the outcomes we want.
NTI has spent more than 20 years collaborating with governments and experts to generate actionable solutions and galvanize cooperation to reduce nuclear and other catastrophic threats. And ReThink Media, who is also a grantee partner on this project, has nearly a decade of experience influencing the public narrative around nuclear threats. These partnerships are prime examples of drawing on the nuclear field’s extant strengths to streamline collective work. Working together to drive strategy, as opposed to in our silos, optimizes our activities, allowing us to be more nimble, thorough, and—ultimately—powerful.