What We Fund
"Ploughshares helps make the world more safe and secure.”
It’s a simple sentence, but it's supported by complex work.
How do we do it? By funding organizations and people who drive policies and activities that help eliminate nuclear threats or address regional conflicts, create a stronger and more resilient nuclear field, build new partnerships with intersecting issues, and support transformational thinking and activities.
In line with Ploughshares’s organizational goals and priorities, our grantmaking and programmatic activities are focused on the following areas:
Near-Term Steps
Drive policies and activities that help eliminate nuclear threats or address regional conflicts.
This portfolio supports essential near-term steps to counter nuclear policy regression, advance arms control and diplomacy, and resolve nuclear-related regional conflicts.
Strengthened Community
Create a stronger, more resilient nuclear field.
This portfolio supports core organizations in the nuclear field and targeted projects that aim for a more dynamic, inclusive, and effective community.
Shared Purpose
Build new partnerships with intersecting issues.
This portfolio develops a broad power base by aligning with social justice movements and exploring intersections between nuclear topics and other issues.
Bold Futures
Support transformational thinking and activities.
This portfolio creates favorable terrain for long-term policy change by investing in transformational approaches that fundamentally challenge the nuclear status quo.
Apply for a Grant:
Ploughshares is looking for the smartest minds and organizations to partner with. Contact us to inquire about current grant opportunities, or apply for a grant.

Our World is Safer When We Include All Voices
In pursuit of a world where all can live free from the threat of nuclear weapons, we must take an approach that puts people at the center of policy. It’s imperative we harness the insight and experience the entire field has to offer and work toward greater inclusivity and representation. Ploughshares is committed to supporting women-led organizations and projects in its funding priorities and opening the field to and amplifying diverse voices working on these issues.
You Play a Role
We help regular people—you, your parents, your neighbors, your coworkers—understand that the nuclear threat is not over. You can help eliminate nuclear weapons by supporting Ploughshares today. Make a donation. Share on social channels. Talk with friends. Together, we can make the world safer and more secure.