Deepti Choubey: The importance of the CTBT for U.S. security

Deepti Choubey of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace addresses criticisms of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). Over 180 countries have signed the CTBT, but nine still need to ratify in order for it to come into force. The U.S. Senate failed to ratify the global ban on nuclear tests  ten years ago.   Choubey claims that if the U.S. now seriously moves towards ratification, one-third of the nine hold-out states would also likely ratify.  In addition, if the U.S. can get Iran to ratify the CTBT, it would be a real obstacle in their ability to develop nuclear weapons capability.

She says the ten-year-old criticisms of the CTBT concerning cheating and arsenal quality have become obsolete. The immediate response to the North Korean tests is an example of stronger international monitoring 
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