Former CIA Officer Valerie Plame Wilson: "This is an issue of national security"
"We can no longer continue in this doctrine that we have used for many decades," said former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson at the premier of Countdown to Zero in Santa Fe, New Mexico. "The world has changed profoundly and fundamentally."
Preventing the 21st century threats of nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism, Plame Wilson continued, are "an issue of national security. This is not a Republican issue, this is not a Democratic issue."
The Santa Fe screening of Countdown to Zero was hosted by Nuclear Watch of New Mexico, with the support of a special Ploughshares Fund grant designed to raise awareness about the film.
While at the CIA, Plame Wilson was "working on what I hope were very smart and creative and secure operations to get into the procurement networks of either rogue nations, sub-states and terrorists," she said. "But in retrospect, all we were really doing was delaying the inevitable."
This realization led Plame Wilson to believe that the only way forward is to eliminate all nuclear weapons and reach "global zero."
"When you walk out tonight, you will think, I hope, that the only way to proceed is ultimately to get to zero," Plame concluded. "No one is saying that this will be easy, it won't be done ton Wednesday, it's not going to be unilateral. But we have to set as our goal as global zero."
Watch Valerie Plame Wilson's remarks, below: