Joe Cirincione Testifies before the Democratic Platform Committee

Joe Cirincione Testifies before the Democratic Platform Committee

highlights the urgent threats posed by nuclear weapons




Ploughshares Fund President Joe Cirincione recently testified before the Democratic Platform Drafting Committee, highlighting the urgent threats posed by nuclear weapons: 

"The use of one nuclear weapon on one city would be a level of destruction not seen since the end of the Second World War. The use of ten nuclear weapons on ten cities would be a catastrophe unprecedented in human history. The use of 100 weapons on 100 cities could destroy all humanity has created over the millennia...

One has to be irrationally optimistic to believe that we can keep these weapons in fallible human hands indefinitely and something terrible will not happen. We can and must steadily reduce the risk of nuclear explosions by accident, miscalculation or madness before it is too late."

Watch Joe's testimony before the committee above. Read and download Joe's full written testimony here