Morning Joe: May 11, 2009

Ethnic Conflict in Pakistan

Stories we're following today:

Pakistan's Ethnic Fault Line - Ploughshares Fund Grantee Selig Harrison in the Washington Post [link]

  • Understanding the ethnic dimension of the conflict is the key to a successful strategy for separating the Taliban from al-Qaeda and stabilizing multiethnic Pakistan politically.

Shaky Pakistan Is Seen as a Target of Plots by Al Qaeda - New York Times [link]

  • Foreign operatives of Al Qaeda who had focused on plotting attacks against the West are seizing on the turmoil to sow chaos in Pakistan and strengthen the hand of the militant Islamist groups there, according to American and Pakistani intelligence officials.

Iran Releases Journalist Convicted of Spying for U.S. - New York Times [link]

  • An Iranian-American journalist who was sentenced to eight years of jail on spying charges for Washington was released Monday

The Trouble With Zero - Philip Taubman in the New York Times [link]

  • Yet even as the allure of disarmament grows, the obstacles seem as daunting as ever.

Last Dance with the Shuttle: What's in Store for the Final Hubble Servicing Mission - Scientific America [link]

  • On Monday space shuttle Atlantis is slated to lift off on the fifth and final servicing mission to Hubble.