Morning Joe: May 22, 2009

Interpreting Iran's Test

Stories we're following today:

The Significance of Iran's Missile Test - Arms Control Wonk [link]

  • I’ve been asked to try to express the significance of the Sejil launch. At first, I was given a choice for what was the most significant aspect, from a technical point of view...

Iran's Missile Test: A Message to Obama and Netanyahu - TIME [link]

  • Iran's latest missile test may have less to do with advancing its military capability than with getting a last word in on Monday's conversation between President Barack Obama and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Michael Douglas Goes (Anti) Nuclear - Washington Post's "Reliable Soure" [link]

  • Steel-gray hair, dark suit, cuff links, smart vocabulary -- Michael Douglas could have been any think-tank lion sitting up there between former senator Chuck Hagel and Georgetown foreign-service dean Bob Gallucci.

North Korea warns ships near missile base: Japan - Reuters [link]

  • North Korea is warning ships to stay away from waters off an east coast missile base, a Japan Coast Guard spokesman said on Friday, suggesting it could be preparing for a short-range missile test.

Obama's power players - Foreign Policy's "The Cable" [link]

  • The following is FP's list of the 10 administration officials who, according to existing reporting and with input from sources, are driving U.S. foreign policy in the Obama era.

Gulags, Nukes and a Water Slide: Citizen Spies Lift North Korea's Veil - Wall Street Journal [link]

  • "Here is one of the most closed countries in the world and yet, through this effort on the Internet by a bunch of strangers, the country's visible secrets are being published."

Will the Nuclear Power "Renaissance" Ever Reach Critical Mass?- Scientific American [link]

  • Despite an abundance of plans and applications, new nuclear reactors outside of Asia are few and far between, which puts nuclear's contribution to fighting greenhouse gas emissions at risk

Supermax Prisons in U.S. Already Hold Terrorists - Washington Post [link]

  • But the apocalyptic rhetoric rarely addresses this: Thirty-three international terrorists, many with ties to al-Qaeda, reside in a single federal prison in Florence, Colo., with little public notice.