Morning Joe: Nuclear Ambitions in Burma?

Stories we're following today:

Is Myanmar Going Nuclear? - The Washington Post [link]

  • The recent aborted voyage of a North Korean ship, photographs of massive tunnels and a top secret meeting have raised alarm bells that one of the world's poorest nations may be aspiring to join the nuclear club - with help from its friends in Pyongyang.
  • No one expects military-run Myanmar, also known as Burma, to obtain an atomic bomb anytime soon, but experts have the Southeast Asian nation on their radar screen.
  • "a swirl of circumstantial trends indicates something in the nuclear field is going on that definitely warrants closer scrutiny by the international community."

Iran's Political Fissures: Taking Sides - The Economist [link]

  • Mr. Rafsanjani avoided sounding too confrontational but there was enough in his speech to worry Mr Khamenei and Mr Ahmadinejad.
  • The fissures at the top of the Islamic regime show no signs of healing. With more senior clerical figures coming out in support of Mr Mousavi, the ruling elite is looking increasingly divided between the clerics and the military. The criticism from clerics is particularly galling for Mr Khamenei who has always felt insecure about his religious credentials. The Revolutionary Guard has stuck by Mr Khamenei and Mr Ahmadinejad so far.

Darpa Searches for Next-Gen Nuke-Spotters - Danger Room [link]

  • Since 9/11, the military’s been trying to beef up the detection of nuclear threats, especially at borders and ports. So far, they’ve had little success producing systems that can accurately differentiate between dangerous and benign radioactive materials.

North Korea: Working Together - The Economist [link]

  • Kurt Campbell has discussed Kaesong [a joint industrial cooperation zone] with South Korean officials. South Korea’s government is eager to show its unflinching support toward its most important ally [the U.S.]. So, as a co-operative business relationship, albeit sometime fraught, Kaesong poses a problem when increased isolation and tougher sanctions are the order of the day.

Three Y-12 security officers suspended - Knox News [link]

  • Three security police officers have been suspended without pay for allegedly bringing electronic game devices into the inner sanctum of the Y-12 nuclear weapons plant.