North Korea's missile flight a failure

North Korea’s effort to fire a satellite into orbit failed, according to experts. From a technical standpoint, the failure would likely seriously delay the missile’s debut. “It’s got to be embarrassing,” said Ploughshares grantee Geoffrey Forden of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “I can imagine heads flying if the ‘Dear Leader’ finds out the satellite didn’t fly into orbit.” 

Jeffrey G. Lewis of the Ploughshares-funded New America Foundation added, “It’s not unusual to have a series of failures at the beginning of a missile program.” North Korea is often portrayed as technically adept when it comes to bombs and rockets, but analysts say that image is now in doubt.

However, David Wright of the Ploughshares-funded Union of Concerned Scientists estimated a successful rocket might lead to a ballistic missile that could throw a warhead far enough to hit parts of Alaska. He added that the rocket’s failure might “open a window of opportunity” to engage the North Koreans in disarmament talks.

New York Times