Board & Advisors

Ploughshares is led by Board Chair Gretchen Hund, President Dr. Emma Belcher, and Executive Director Elizabeth Warner.

Board Members

Philip Ames


Vice President, Investment Management Division, Goldman Sachs

Alen Amini

Project Leader, Boston Consulting Group

Dr. Emma Belcher


Skyler Brown

Goldman Sachs Wealth Advisor

Shannon Sedgwick Davis

CEO of Bridgeway Foundation

John Feikema

Principal at Feikema and Associates

Connie Foote

Psychologist and philanthropist

Gretchen Hund


Former Director of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Center for Global Security

Shamil Idriss

CEO of Search for Common Ground

Ethan Kelly

General Sales Manager, Bonneville Seattle Media Group

Amy McGrath

Former Marine Corps fighter pilot

J. Michael McQuade

Director of the Program on Emerging Technology, Scientific Advancement & Global Policy at the Belfer Center

Don Mordecai, MD


National Leader for Mental Health and Wellness for The Permanente Federation

Scott Sagan

Co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation

Ben Rhodes

National security advisor and consultant

Margaret Tough

Partner, Latham & Watkins

Michael Wear

Founder, President and CEO of The Center for Christianity and Public Life

Chairs Emeriti

Lewis Hanchett Butler

Founding board member, community leader

Chair Emeritus

Mary Lloyd Estrin, 1944 – 2020

Board member, Chair 2013 to 2018

Chair Emeritus

Roger Hale

Former President and CEO, Tennant Co.

Chair Emeritus

Terry Gamble Boyer

Chair Emeritus


Reza Aslan

Internationally acclaimed writer and scholar of religions

J. Brian Atwood

Senior Fellow, Watson Institute, Brown University

Hon. Lloyd Axworthy

Former Foreign Minister of Canada

William S. Cohen

Former Secretary of Defense

Michael Douglas

Actor and UN Messenger of Peace

Gloria Duffy

CEO, Commonwealth Club of California

Susan Eisenhower

President, Eisenhower Group

Scilla Elworthy

Founder, Oxford Research Group

Hal Harvey

President and CEO, ClimateWorks Foundation

David Holloway

Raymond A. Spruance Professor of International History, Stanford University

Frank N. Von Hippel

Co-director, Program on Science and Global Security, Princeton University

Steve Kirsch

Chairman, Steve and Michele Kirsch Foundation

Lawrence J. Korb

Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

Jeff Skoll

Chairman, Skoll Foundation and Participant Media