Consolidating Gains from the “Reset”

On the radar: Putting interests before politics with Russia; McFaul nomination update; How Iran hacked the drone; Drones and surveillance; GOP debaters factchecked on Iran; North Korea aid talks resume; Perkovich on NATO; and an ICBM silo (3 bed, 2 bath).

December 16, 2011 | Edited by Benjamin Loehrke and Mary Kaszynski

Politics and the Reset - “Russia’s latest post-election upheaval combined with America’s pre-election politicking threaten to amplify normal differences of opinion to crisis levels,” argue Nikolas Gvosdev and Matthew Rojansky in The New York Times. To salvage the reset, “Moscow and Washington must now make a concerted effort to consolidate the gains of the past three years and build fuller ties between citizens, political parties and bureaucracies.”

--The politics around the “reset” might be getting harsh. But, as the authors note, “what has not changed is the centrality of U.S.-Russia cooperation to addressing urgent U.S. national interests,” including nonproliferation, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics, and helping manage the future security of Afghanistan and Central Asia.

Kirk lifts hold on McFaul - “The nomination of Mike McFaul to become ambassador to Russia cleared one major hurdle Thursday as Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL) lifted his hold. The administration was working hard Thursday to satsify other GOP senators' concerns as the Senate prepares to adjourn for the year.” Josh Rogin reports.

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Iran’s drone hack - According to an Iranian engineer working with Iran’s military on the downed drone, Iran jammed the drone’s communications, making the drone try to return to base, then “spoofed” the GPS signals so that the drone landed itself in Iran instead of Afghanistan. The Christian Science Monitor gives a new layer of detail to the story.

--Explains the engineer, "If you look at the location where we made it land and the bird's home base, they both have [almost] the same altitude," says the Iranian engineer. "There was a problem [of a few meters] with the exact altitude so the bird's underbelly was damaged in landing; that's why it was covered in the broadcast footage."

Drones and nuclear surveillance - “The same capabilities that make them handy for spotting insurgents in Pakistan also make them helpful at sussing out clandestine nuclear weapons work. They provide persistent, detailed imagery and video of nuclear facilities — something that other spy systems aren’t quite as good at,” writes Adam Rawnsley for Danger Room.

GOP debate fact check - At yesterday’s debate, Michelle Bachmann cited the IAEA report as proof that Iran is “within just months of being able to obtain” a nuclear weapon. In fact, as the CNN fact-checkers note, the report details “serious concerns,” but does not draw conclusions about Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

N. Korea food aid talks - U.S. officials have resumed talks with North Korea about providing food aid. Aid items being considered are designed to be less likely to be diverted to North Korea’s elite - including vitamin supplements, high-protein biscuits, and Plumpy Nut peanut past. The Washington Post reports.

Iran’s domestic uranium fuel - “Iran is to insert its first domestically produced uranium fuel into its Tehran reactor by mid-February, Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said in comments published by the IRNA state news agency.” AFP reports.

Perkovich on NATO’s nukes - As NATO moves towards its Deterrence and Defense Posture Review in May, the alliance has an opportunity to reassess the value of nukes as military assets and as a means for demonstrating commitment. Writes George Perkovich of the Carnegie Endowment, the weapons may provide more risk than cohesion. “While security conditions in Europe remain relatively benign, [NATO states] should recapitalize their security commitments and clarify their crisis decision-making procedures.”

For Sale: Atlas F ICBM silo with log cabin - Situated in the lovely Adirondack State Park, this behemoth of a missile silo complex has been converted into a 2-story luxury home (2300 sq. ft., 3 bed, 2 bath). $750,000. Ballistic missile not included.

--The advertisement reminds home buyers of the silo’s privacy and security - by which we think they mean underground structure and 3 blast doors. From Boing Boing.