
  • Chris Stevens and three American colleagues from the U.S. mission in Libya were killed by a mob yesterday. The first American governmental deaths in the Arab world since the Arab Spring began less than two years ago, their deaths should be a clarion call to our country about the risks that those who serve our country abroad take. And Chris’ example of religious tolerance, support for freedom, and belief in democracy should be followed in the days ahead, as we respond to this tragedy.

    September 12, 2012 - By Joel Rubin
  • Like many around the world, we're heartened to see the people of Syria and Libya stand up and take back their political rights from dictatorial regimes. As the two nations reach for democracy, however, we can't lose sight of the fact that the they've both been stockpiling weapons of mass destruction for years.

    September 1, 2011 - By admin
  • The collapse of the Gaddafi regime firmly establishes the benefits of Obama's national security strategy over the failed war policies that preceded him -- and are still promoted by his critics.

    August 24, 2011 - By Joe Cirincione